About Me


I am Radhesh. I am a Telecom (Electronics) engineer and I have spent more than 10 years now writing software for embedded systems.

I feel Arduino has revolutionized the embedded field. Just like how Microsoft brought computers to comman man, Arduino has done it for embedded systems. But if you want to create hard core embedded product, you need to come out of comfort provided by arduino libraries. Nevertheless its a good starting point.

Raspberry Pi is another example of similar product. Thanks to open source movement.

If you want to contact me please mail me at radheshpai@gmail.com.

27 comments so far

  1. vishesh on

    would you like to contribute to this?

  2. Radhesh on


    The link to ‘this’ is missing!

  3. vishesh on

    ops sorry here is the url http://youthunite.wordpress.com

  4. Radhesh on


    Nice work. I would be glad to contribute.

  5. Akshay Bhagwat on

    hey…. its great. you have touched variety of matters in your blog. its maintained so neatly

  6. Radhesh on

    @ Akshay,
    Thank you πŸ™‚

  7. iisc on

    Hello Radhesh. Its really a useful blog. No wonder, in 4months, the number of visits crossed 3000. Just continue blogging and your site will be much more useful.

    A suggestion is to have a page/announcement for the upcoming reviews. That will compel some visitors to visit again. For instance, you can put up an announcement, when you start reading a book or when a new movie releases. You may also wish to have a page for readers wherein they can post about some book/movie/gadget that they read/see/use before you do.

    Best Wishes.

  8. Radhesh on


    Thanks for dropping by. Of late i had been posting more reviews. But i dont want my blog confined to that. Thanks a lot for ur suggestions.

  9. ashok on

    Hi Radhesh,
    I really impressed by your blogs on control systems comparing with commercial massal and explaining PID controllers.
    it also shows sincere love towards our kannada culture. keep it up, best of luck.
    Ashok B ,Calagary / Canada

  10. Radhesh on


    πŸ™‚ Thanks for dropping by.

  11. Reema on

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. πŸ™‚

  12. sunnysideofliving on

    hey , interesting blog…. way to go… πŸ™‚

  13. Radhesh on

    @ sunnysideofliving,

    Welcome !

  14. Deepa on

    Thanks for reading my blog!

  15. Madhan on

    hey dude have you stopped blogging. your blogs used to be interesting . . .

  16. Radhesh on

    I am back dude. And what do u mean by ‘used to be’. πŸ™‚

  17. Hal C. Bagsic on

    Hi Radlesh,
    Can u explain the basic operation of PID Controller for HYDRO turbine-Francis type?


  18. Gobinath on

    Hi Radhesh,
    Why stopped blogging after 2009??

  19. Marina Fernandes on

    My name is Marina, i work for Jaico Publishing house, i would love to send books to you for reviews. please contact me for any information at mediarelations@jaicobooks.com

  20. Ezequiel Torres on

    right now i’m trying to control a Oven with a temperature controller I created. How I get the transfer function and how I simulated it with Matlab? Please let me know if you can help me, its for a college project . Can you contribute, Thanks

    • Ezequiel Torres on

      Please contact me ing.eze@hotmail.com

    • radhesh on

      How exactly are you controlling temperature? I need more details.

      • Ezequiel Torres on

        Hi!, im controlling a furnace with a Arduino uno and various other components. I creates the code and it works good, but it need to perfectionate the PID tuning. I did the PID tuning manually.

        This is part of the code:



        errorSuma += (ki*error);

        double U=kp*error+(errorSuma)+kd*errorDer;

        //u(t) = {Kp*e} + {Ki 0-Ο„βˆ«edΟ„} + {Kd*de/dt}

        If you want to see the code or pictures of my results just let me know. If you need more details, just ask. I can send everything to your email

      • radhesh on

        For integral part you should multiply with time raster too. How frequently your code is getting executed? I would suggest you to remove I and D part and try to control only using P part. Then add I part if needed. For this you need the time scheduling info.

  21. Ezequiel Torres on

    Can I send you everything to your email? The sampling time is 1mS

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